Where it all began and where its led me to.

You may be interested to know that I FAILED art at school,  yep that's right ,A's level Cambridge and I FAILED, so I stopped doing art for many years. There is something about the way people receive critics and needless to say when I was younger I didn't take to it well at all. 

I have always been drawn into doing artistic things, whether it was to decorate my nursery school classroom, or make decorations for birthday parties or big life time functions. 

Later on in my life I decided that I had an Artistic flare that I wanted to explore, I started doing more art in  2017 and in just a few years, I'm completely addicted to the next project. 

Pet portraits started simple because a friend saw a glimpse of something  in my art that I had never even considered and she  asked me to do her a picture for her friends. Well  I owe thanks to this friend as her positivity and reaction when I handed the pet portraits over  is what inspired me to do more. 

Abstract Art took off for me when a teacher I worked with back in 2021 asked me for a picture for her classroom, I loved the fact that the children felt inspired by my art and still are to this day. 

It gives  the children that I have  worked with, such hope, that someone can over come failure like I did in school and still decided to take it further in my later years despite what I had been told. 

If I can touch one life, and encourage them to at least try  I consider  that an accomplishment.   

I love that my experience in doing art is in fact just living life! 

As an artist I don't expect to make a fortune in money, I  expect to make a fortune in experience's, a journey of self discovery  and legacy that I can one day look back on and say that was truly mine, I created those artworks ,this is who I am in the present, that's who I was in the past  and this is who I will be long after I move on.